Donati Law is a proud sponsor of Daniel Law Firm’s Worry Free Summer
Camp. Summer is hard for many families, and that's where this wonderful
program can help. Daniel Law Firm wants to send 50 kids, ages 5 through
12, to summer camp absolutely free. The Memphis Park Services Summer Camp
Program includes fun and engaging activities, including swimming, music,
arts & crafts, sports and weekly field trips (For more information, visit:http://www.cityofmemphis.org/Government/ParksNeighborhoods/SummerDayCamps.aspx).
Camp is open each weekday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from June 11 to
July 27. To apply, complete an
application form here.
For more information about the Daniel Law Firm’s Worry Free Summer
Camp program, please visit the
firm’s website.
[Image via http://www.daniellawfirm.com/2012/summer-camp.php]